Now showing items 1-10 of 60
Development of mobile device application for basic flute lessons
The objectives of this research were 1) to create the mobile device application for assisting flute lessons for beginner, 2) to investigate the effectiveness of application and 3) to compare the result between teaching by ...
Self – Management Strategy A Case Studies of Rock Band Artists.
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study factors affecting self management: a case study of rock band artists; 2) to study brand management that affects self-management: a case study of rock band artists; 3) to ...
The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the instructional process of jazz guitar for undergraduate students in Thailand and 2) to present the guidelines of jazz guitar's instructional process for undergraduate students ...
Analysis of music activities based on the concept of Project-based learning: A case study of Young Artist Music Program, College of Music, Mahidol University
การวิเคราะห์กิจกรรมดนตรีตามแนวคิดการจัดการเรียนรู้แบบโครงการเป็นฐาน กรณีศึกษา: หลักสูตรเตรียมอุดมดนตรี วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
The purpose of this qualitative research was to study and analyze the pattern and organization of concepts involved in music activities through Project-based learning within the Young Artist Music Program at the College ...
An analysis of Kenny Burrell’s Improvisation on
"Kenny Burrell and John Coltrane"
วิเคราะห์การบรรเลงคีตปฏิภาณของ เคนนี เบอร์เรลล์
ในผลงานอัลบั้ม เคนนี เบอร์เรลล์และจอห์น โคลเทรน
This research studies jazz guitar performance of Kenny Burrell in hard bop era with objectives to examine and analyze jazz guitar improvisation of Kenny Burrell from Kenny Burrell and John Coltrane’s album. The researcher ...
A Study of Cello Repertoire by Robert Schumann, Max Bruch, Johannes Brahms
การศึกษาบทประพันธ์สำหรับเชลโล โดย โรเบิร์ต ชูมันน์,แม็ก บรูค, โยฮันเนส บราห์ม
In this research article, the author has studied the history of the composers, and including information related to a particular piece of music for more understanding. Also it studies the issues of cello techniques that ...
A Study of Thai and Chinese string orchestra : Siam Huqin
การศึกษาการรวมวงของซอไทยกับซอจีน กรณีศึกษาวงซอผสมผสานสยามหูฉิน
This research objective was to 1. Study the history and knowledge of Siamhuqin Ensemble and 2. Study the music composition process of Siamhuqin Ensemble.
The research result showed that Siamhuqin ensemble ...
Graduate Horn Recital
This dissertation aims to publicise pieces which are qualitative research and part of the fulfilment of the Master of Music Program in Music Research and Development, Graduate School, Silpakorn University. This research ...
Music composition : Sound Language Phaya
บทประพันธ์ : เสียง ภาษา กลอน ผญา
“Sound Language and Phaya” is a composition representing Thailand’s Northeastern local form of poetry, Phaya. That explain about message and meaning The composition uses three set of sounds: 1) sound, 2) language, and 3) ...
The Use of Triplets in Philly Joe Jones' Drums Solo
การใช้โน้ตสามพยางค์ในการบรรเลงเดี่ยวกลองชุดของฟิลลี่ โจ โจนส์
This research aims to study Philly Joe Jones’s biography and analyze triplets used in his improvisation on drums. The analysis is based on these 7 improvisational techniques as followed: 1) repetition 2) orchestrating ...