Now showing items 1-10 of 14
An Analytical Study of Ratnāvalī by Nāgārjuna
The purpose of this thesis is to study the Ratnāvalī of Ven. Nāgārjuna. The content scope is philosophical and ethical concepts in scripture, translated from Giuseppe Tucci’s Sanskrit texts. But due to the loss of Sanskrit ...
A Study of Hindu Temple Plan in the Vāstuśāstras : A Case Study of Ancient Hindu Architecture in Thailand
การศึกษาแผนผังศาสนสถานฮินดูในคัมภีร์วาสตุศาสตร์ : กรณีศึกษาโบราณสถานฮินดูในประเทศไทย
The thesis objective is to study the vāstuśāstra treatise in the part related to the construction plan of a Hindu temple by comparing 2 selected treatises: bṛhatsaṃhitā, the treatise of the northern and central India, and ...
An Analytical Study of The Kumārasambhava of Kālidāsa : Cantos I – VIII
การศึกษาวิเคราะห์วรรณคดีเรื่องกุมารสัมภวะของกาลิทาส สรรคที่ 1-8
The objective of this thesis aims to analytically study the essence of contents and the rhetoric of the Kumārasambhava of Kālidāsa: Cantos I – VIII. The main manuscript used in the study was the Sanskrit text in the ...
Formation of Nouns and Adjectivesfrom Root with Uṇādi sutras
Uṇadi is a group's name of suffixes which placed at the end of Dhātus (verbal roots) to make nouns and adjectives. It's already been fixed by the first suffix's name Uṇ which was defined to be represent whole suffixes. In ...
A Comparative Study of Hanumāna in Vālmīki’s Rāmāyaṇa and in King Rama I’s Rāmakian.
Hanumāna created by Vālmīki is the child of mother Añjanā and father Māruta. He is an ape-born creature because Añjanā’s mother is ape king. Due to blessing from the Brahma God, he becomes greatly strong and invincible. ...
An Analytical Study of Śakuntalopākhyāna in Mahābhārata
The aims of this thesis are as follows: 1. to transliterate and translate Śakuntalopākhyāna into Thai 2. to analyze the content and rhetoric of Śakuntalopākhyāna 3. to analyze influences, social reflections, culture, and ...
การศึกษาวิเคราะห์จริยศาสตร์ ที่ปรากฏในมหาภารตะ
The aim of analytical studies of ethics in the Mahabharata has 2 objectives : 1. To study the Hinduism doctrinal ,which is used as an ethical analysis tool, 2. To analysis ethical problems in the Mahabharata according to ...
การศึกษาวิเคราะห์คำสมาสในเรื่องฤตุสํหาร ของกาลิทาส
The objectives of this study were twofold: 1. Studying the content of literary in Sanskrit literature on Ṛtusamhāra. 2. An analytical study of the use of Compound words in Ṛtusamhāra of Kālidāsa. The manuscripts used ...
The Femininity of Female Characters in Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa
ความเป็นสตรีของตัวละครหญิงในบทละครเรื่อง สวัปนะวาสวทัตตา ของภาสะ
The aims of this thesis are as follows: 1. to analyze the content and rhetoric of Svapnavasavadatta by Bhasa 2. to analyze women's roles and social reflections in Svapnavasavadatta by Bhasa. The text used in the study is ...
An Analytical Study of Alamkara in Raghuvamsa Canto 1-3
การศึกษาวิเคราะห์อลังการในมหากาพย์รฆุวงศ์ สรรคที่ 1-3
This thesis attempts to examine the story of Mahakavya Raghuvamsa and examine the Alamkara in Mahakavya Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa. First, Turn the Devanagari alphabet into the Thai alphabet in Chantos 1-3 and compare it with ...