Industrial Heritage along Railway Corridor: A Gear towards Tourism Development, a Case Study of Lampang Province, Thailand

Silpakorn University
This dissertation aimed to investigate industrial heritage resources along the railway corridor and associated landscape of Lampang Province, Thailand, and to investigate how the industrial heritage approach could be inclusive as an alternative form of tourism for the town. The study employed qualitative approach, in which the methodology for process of industrial heritage analysis was conducted including the steps of identification, recording and research. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were also carried out with key related groups. The findings of the study presented association of the town’s industrial heritage with its natural, geological and industrial characters, which finally in the study a typology of the industrial heritage was suggested. The phenomenon of the industrial heritage in Lampang portrayed potentials of (re) use of the industrial heritage through the forms of mining heritage tourism, art and cultural expressions at the old precincts within the historic urban landscape environ, the bridges and the railway representation as part of urban infrastructure, and industrial craft tourism. The study contributed to recommendations with attention to development of industrial landscape park approach, creative cluster and culture- led approach, creative city and creative tourism approach, and new use of existing structures. -
Architectural Heritage Management and Tourism Plan 2.1
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