Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Depression World 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Prapaipuk NIAMRAT; ประไพพักตร์ เนียมรัตน์; Thanarit Thaipwaree; ธณฤษภ์ ทิพย์วารี; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 17/8/2018)
      Depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are psychological illnesses which are usually overlooked or misunderstood due to the lack of knowledge of many people, who perceive these disorders as normal depression.  When I ...
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      Effectiveness of pharmacist intervention for psychiatric patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control studies.  

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Consumer Protection in Public Health / วิทยานิพนธ์ - การคุ้มครองผู้บริโภคด้านสาธารณสุข
      Type: Thesis
      Nathapol SAMPRASIT; ณัฏฐพล สัมประสิทธิ์; NATTIYA KAPOL; ณัฏฐิญา ค้าผล; Silpakorn University. Pharmacy (Silpakorn University, 10/7/2020)
      Objectives: This study aimed to systematically review the literatures and conduct a meta-analysis on the outcomes of pharmacist intervention comparing with usual care in psychiatric patients who had been diagnosed ...

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