Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Aesthetic of Flowers from Memories of Life  

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Supaporn CHULAKA; สุภาภรณ์ จุลกะ; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 18/6/2021)
      Creative title "Aesthetics of flowers from the memory of life" It is a creation of a 2D painting that is based on my own life memories, love, connection, pain and loss. Allowing me to learn and understand the truth of life ...
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      The Ultimate Dog 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษา
      Type: Thesis
      Nattapol YOOPLAO; ณัฐพล อยู่เปลา; YANAWIT KUNCHAETHONG; ญาณวิทย์ กุญแจทอง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 2/1/2019)
      This thesis entitled “The Excellence of Four-Legged Animals” is an art work under the concept of love and relationship between a human and a dog through visual contact. A dog can learn physical communication from humans ...

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