Now showing items 1-9 of 9

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      Aesthetic of Flowers from Memories of Life  

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Supaporn CHULAKA; สุภาภรณ์ จุลกะ; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 18/6/2021)
      Creative title "Aesthetics of flowers from the memory of life" It is a creation of a 2D painting that is based on my own life memories, love, connection, pain and loss. Allowing me to learn and understand the truth of life ...
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      Female Power 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Sirirath CHUMYEN; ศิริรัตน์ ชุ่มเย็น; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 2/7/2021)
                Thesis under the name “Female Power” aims to present nudity of women’s body, to call out the idea of equalities by step out of the sexual subjective that framed on women’s body and interfere the power that suppress ...
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      The image of faith from the role of Thai-Chinese people 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Wachira RUJIPONG; วชิร รุจิพงษ์; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 2/7/2021)
      Thesis work under the topic “Image of Faith from the Role of Thai People of Chinese descent” I would like to present the stories, beliefs and belief rituals that have been experienced for more than 20 years until becoming ...
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      Imperfection in aesthetic 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Wich NAPATTALUNG; วิชย์ ณ พัทลุง; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 2/7/2021)
      This thesis is under the name of “Imperfection in aesthetic. I want to present a story of beauty that constantly changes with time. Being accepted in society is like the first door stepping up to success whether it is ...
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      The new context of the same nature and the city. 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษา
      Type: Thesis
      Pathompong THONGLUAN; ปฐมพงษ์ ทองล้วน; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 17/8/2018)
      I’ve grown up and lived in Bangkok since I was a child. At that time the environment was still natural. My family members liked to plant trees and studied various kinds of trees regularly. I have absorbed such things and ...
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      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Alisa PALAPHON; อลิสา ผลาพล; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 2/1/2019)
      The picture is from a human perspective conveyed through a variety of tools, just one set of data that is both true and false. It often appears that the human identity or ego is always there. Whether it is an image from ...
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      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Rattikan JIDMUN; รัตติกาล จิตต์หมั้น; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 12/6/2020)
      My mixed media pointing reflects life and death as common phenomenon. I want people to think what life is and carefully live it. If look at being as spirit or soul, death becomes abstraction. However, if we see it as a ...
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      the state of mind free from the past 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Kirati BOONKRAI; กิรติ บุญไกร; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 12/7/2019)
      Conveying hidden emotion within the self has another side, like the other side of the wall that shuns our thoughts and feelings under an image; is a reaction that happens within the mind -the picture that we think of and ...
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      When I was the mother 

      Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์
      Type: Thesis
      Kwanchanok NOOTONG; ขวัญชนก หนูทอง; nawin baidklang; นาวิน เบียดกลาง; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 2/7/2021)
      This thesis is the study of the creative process of visual arts. There are stories, experiences, feelings that I have experienced. The feelings of taking on the role of a "mother", feelings of being a mother, and a ...

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