Browsing by Author "Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisSiriporn KLUBKAEW; สิริพร กลับแก้ว; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 12/7/2019)The thesis of “Amour’s Sphere” was proceeded by these following reasons 1) To create the art works that can build the awareness of love between mother and the child as well as to demonstrate the value of being mother through ... -
Cats and the relationship area
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisPodjanee MANEERAT; พจนีย์ มณีรัตน์; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 10/7/2020)The thesis “Cats and the relationship area” is the visual art creative work in order to present love and relationship of cats the author’s beloved pet. Cats can relieve emotional tension, pressure and anxiety caused by ... -
Come and Eat Me
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisSunisa KAMLAIKAEW; สุนิสา กำไลแก้ว; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 10/7/2020)Junk food Eating behaviors of working women became a kind social behavior, as the way to choose the beautiful appearance food without considering of the nutrition, while junk food is very popular in society, nowadays. To ... -
A dream's nest
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisPorrama OPARDPUTTARATADA; ปรมะ โอภาสภัทรธาดา; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 12/7/2019)Children play an important role in the family. Every time a child is born into a family, they bring great joy and happiness to their parents. I believe that life would be meaningful when having children in the family. ... -
Illusion Shell : Consumerism Behavior of Women
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisYanee PROMDECHA; ญาณี พรหมเดชะ; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 12/7/2019)Now a day, the world is full of things to satisfy people desire. It cause unnecessary desires and if the desire is not be fulfilled it will lead to unhappiness so people tried to do everything to get what they ... -
Memo Mum
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisWoraphan PHANFAK; วรพรรณ พันธุ์ฟัก; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 12/7/2019)Women have many roles but the most important one in my opinion is to be a mother. Love that mothers give to their children is pure and powerful. Love and connection was built since they know that they are pregnant until ... -
My Nora My Space Gender Equality
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisSurasak LOIMAI; สุรศักดิ์ ลอยใหม่; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 10/7/2020)The purpose of this study was to create the work that shows personal identity in the form of Visual Performance Art, combined with modern media, for example, videos, music, light, sound, and shadow. The modern form of art ... -
Parents : Memorable Imprints
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts Education / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลปศึกษาType: ThesisKullanun THONGNIM; กุลนันทน์ ทองนิ่ม; Rinyaphat Nithipattaraahnan; ริญญาภัทร์ นิธิภัทรอนันต์; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts and Faculty of Education (Silpakorn University, 10/7/2020)The objective of this thesis “Parents: Memorable Imprints” is to study and research the creation of visual arts in Mixed Techniques by using materials and creating new images with virtual objects and use the symbol to ...