Browsing by Author "Napanant RANGSRITHAMMAKHUN"
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Obligation - Relationships
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Visual Arts / วิทยานิพนธ์ - ทัศนศิลป์Type: ThesisNapanant RANGSRITHAMMAKHUN; นภนันท์ รังสีธรรมคุณ; Vichaya Mukdamanee; วิชญ มุกดามณี; Silpakorn University. Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts (Silpakorn University, 12/6/2020)The thesis "Obligation-Relationship". It is defined as aesthetics of artistic objects by visual art process in painting method. This would be portrayed emotions and vibes by a symbol of physical particles of humanity related ...