Browsing by Author "Benjawan NGOWSAKUN"
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Factors related to the standard quality of alcohol-based hand sanitization according to the Cosmetics Act B.E. 2558.
Collection: Theses (Master's degree) - Consumer Protection in Public Health / วิทยานิพนธ์ - การคุ้มครองผู้บริโภคด้านสาธารณสุขType: ThesisBenjawan NGOWSAKUN; เบญจวรรณ โหง้วสกุล; Waranee Bunchuailua; วารณี บุญช่วยเหลือ; Silpakorn University. Pharmacy (Silpakorn University, 25/11/2022)The objective of this research was to investigate the standard quality of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and factors related to the standard quality of alcohol-based hand sanitization according to the Cosmetic Act B.E. 2558. ...